Our youth ministry exists to develop fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Youth Group for 7th-12th Graders  
During the school year: Wednesday nights 7:00-9:00 p.m.; Summer schedule includes in-home small groups.

Join us on Wednesday nights for a time of Bible study, authentic community and encouraging fun. On a typical night, we have an opening time to connect with friends and meet new people, followed by a time of worship led by our own band. Next, we divide up by age for small group Bible discussions and end our evening with snacks at 8:40 p.m. We are currently starting our nights in the sanctuary.

Sunday Morning Bible Study

We meet during SBS 9:45 am-10:30 am in the Youth Room.


The youth group gets together periodically to just have fun!  We've hosted movie nights, Super Bowl parties, bonfire & hay rack rides, video scavenger hunts, game nights, bowling, water skiing & tubing. We also attend retreats and the National EFCA Youth Conference every other year.


The youth group seeks to serve our community and the world in creative ways. Some of our past projects have included Trick or Treat so Others Can Eat, Operation Christmas Child, Open Door Mission, caroling at nursing homes and the Fremont Summer Lunch Program.